
Showing posts from March, 2017

Definition of an Automobile

Definition of Automobile  : Image-Definition Of Automobile According to theory Automobile is the wheeled vehicle which moves with the help of self motive power. Automobile can be defined in other words like "Automobile is nothing but the self-propelled vehicle." In simple words, An Automobile is wheel vehicle which has it’s own power source, Power source gives vehicle motion to move. The power source is nothing but the engine, electric motor etc. The word 'Automobile' can describe in following manner; Auto : self-motive or self-propelled  Mobile: portable, Transportable or movable (which can be carry everywhere. By above information we can guess the Automobile is the structure which has wheels and self-power generation plant for transportation purpose. Automobile is used for transportation; this invention reduces the time of travelling and brought revolution in growth of human. Automobile Engineer