Definition of an Automobile

Definition of Automobile :

Image-Definition Of Automobile
  • According to theory Automobile is the wheeled vehicle which moves with the help of self motive power.
  • Automobile can be defined in other words like "Automobile is nothing but the self-propelled vehicle."
  • In simple words, An Automobile is wheel vehicle which has it’s own power source, Power source gives vehicle motion to move. The power source is nothing but the engine, electric motor etc.
  • The word 'Automobile' can describe in following manner;
    • Auto : self-motive or self-propelled 
    • Mobile: portable, Transportable or movable (which can be carry everywhere.

By above information we can guess the Automobile is the structure which has wheels and self-power generation plant for transportation purpose. Automobile is used for transportation; this invention reduces the time of travelling and brought revolution in growth of human.

Automobile Engineering:
  • Automobile engineering is the branch of engineering which teaches the manufacturing, designing, mechanism and operations of Automobile.
  • Automobile engineering also involves the study of electronics, software, safety etc.
  • In the beginning of 18th century Francois Isaac de Rivaz designed the first car. The car was powered by an internal combustion engine and used Hydrogen as a fuel.
  • The Karl Benz of Germany in 1885 built an 3 wheel vehicle and it operate by otto cycle and used a gasoline (Petrol) as a fuel. We must know that The Germany is the home of invention because the revolution of machines was start from Germany and currently they has successfully implemented Industry 4.0 in manufacturing process.
  •  After one year Karl granted for patent, At the very same year Gattlieb Daimler and Wilhem Maybatch introduced a two wheeler vehicle and granted patent for it.
  • Actually the first vehicle is invented in 1672 by Ferdinand Verbiest; but it was just built as a toy for Chinese Emperor.  It was a steam powered vehicle, the main problem with vehicle is that the vehicle could not carry Driver's weight but this trial shows the possibility of self-propelled vehicle.
  • After the invention of two wheeler vehicle soon thereafter, Benz invented accelerator for speed regulation purpose, Battery ignition, spark plug, Gear box, and radiator for cooling of engine. With this changes in vehicle Benz started his own production of automobile vehicles, later Benz introduced his first ever four wheeler vehicle in 1893.
  • After 1890, Daimler and Maybatch produced 3 vehicles in five years. Thereafter Daimler died in 1900 but production continued by management. In 1927 Daimler and Benz Company get united with the name of "DAIMLER-BENZ". They have committed to keep name till year 2000.
  • The large scale production was started by Eli Olds in 1902 and he used concept of Henry Ford.
  • The development in Automobile resulted in vast improvements in designs, comfort, technologies, safety whereas Benz produced 30 vehicles and Daimler-Maybatch produced almost 33 to 35 vehicles in first 5 years.
  • Now we can see result of revolution in Automobile. We all know every year in Expo, the new technologies introduce by Manufacturers to attract the costumer. Every company tries to provide more than customers requirement; it means lot of competitions are present in this sector.
  • We must be careful about environment also. So now I'll end my article here, in next article we will give information about components and if anyone has question regarding to this article please contact, your feedback is valuable. Thank you for reading and please support for more works.


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