
Introduction to Chassis

Introduction to Chassis            In last article we learned about classification of Automobile, Now we are back for introduce you to Automobile chassis. The chassis of automobile consist of Engine, Transmission system, Suspension system, Wheels, Steering mechanism, Braking system etc. All the component which listed now, this all components are mounted on the chassis. They may be mounted in two types i.e. Conventional & structure.            In structure type; the separate  frame is being use and frame-less construction in which frame is installed. Same like this, in conventional type (it is currently used in heavy vehicle construction and car manufacturing) same structure has been replaced by frame-less or Monocoque chassis in manufacturer, It is economical method. It is classified as follow: Conventional control chassis:  In this chassis engine is mounted on front side i.e. exact front side of Driver seat. It is really very comfortable if space is valuable. Semi-Forward

Classification of Automobiles

In last article we introduce you to the "basic component of an Automobile vehicle". Now we are back for you to explain general classification of an Automobile vehicle, classification is taken from various points of view and it is describe below: Automobile vehicle Table for automobile classification Use of vehicle:  Mopeds/Scooter : Mopeds are two wheeler bikes which is commonly used for personal use. Example of moped is Bajaj Scooter Motor cycles : Motor cycle is two wheel vehicle which has a engine and used for men transportation purpose. It's funny that actually motor cycles are made for two men's travelling ,but in India it is very common that 3-4 men travels over a bike. Now days Indian police really taking good care of traffic rules and we appropriate it. Cars/Jeeps : These are four wheel vehicles which are passenger vehicle and able to carry 4-6 men at a time. Buses/Trucks : These are heavy vehicles, generally buses are passenger vehicle

Basic component of an Automobile vehicle.

            Today we’ll discuss about the basic components of Automobile vehicle. In last article we learned about the definition and history of Automobile vehicle. The following are basic units of automobile.Following figure describes the schematic layout of Automobile vehicle and its component location. I called it unit because each of them consists of number of component, it is described below. A) The Basic Structure 1. Suspension System       Function of suspension system To stable the vehicle from shocks and vibration due to irregular road surface. To reduced or prevent the road shocks which are transmitted on the vehicle Frame. To regulate stability when vehicle is in motion. To maintain proper steering geometry. Location of suspension system Location of suspension is in between axles and chassis. 2. Axle There are two types of axles live axle dead axle Function of live axle Live axle is the two half axle.

Definition of an Automobile

Definition of Automobile  : Image-Definition Of Automobile According to theory Automobile is the wheeled vehicle which moves with the help of self motive power. Automobile can be defined in other words like "Automobile is nothing but the self-propelled vehicle." In simple words, An Automobile is wheel vehicle which has it’s own power source, Power source gives vehicle motion to move. The power source is nothing but the engine, electric motor etc. The word 'Automobile' can describe in following manner; Auto : self-motive or self-propelled  Mobile: portable, Transportable or movable (which can be carry everywhere. By above information we can guess the Automobile is the structure which has wheels and self-power generation plant for transportation purpose. Automobile is used for transportation; this invention reduces the time of travelling and brought revolution in growth of human. Automobile Engineer