Introduction to Chassis

Introduction to Chassis

           In last article we learned about classification of Automobile, Now we are back for introduce you to Automobile chassis. The chassis of automobile consist of Engine, Transmission system, Suspension system, Wheels, Steering mechanism, Braking system etc. All the component which listed now, this all components are mounted on the chassis. They may be mounted in two types i.e. Conventional & structure.
           In structure type; the separate  frame is being use and frame-less construction in which frame is installed. Same like this, in conventional type (it is currently used in heavy vehicle construction and car manufacturing) same structure has been replaced by frame-less or Monocoque chassis in manufacturer, It is economical method. It is classified as follow:

  1. Conventional control chassis:  In this chassis engine is mounted on front side i.e. exact front side of Driver seat. It is really very comfortable if space is valuable.
  2. Semi-Forward control chassis: The engine is mounted half is in Driver's cabin and another half one is in front side. We can see this arrangement is TATA SE series.
  3. Full-Forward control chassis: The engine is mounted completely inside of driver's cabin. May be it is not so comfortable but still we can see this arrangement in our day to day life. You can see this arrangement in TATA E series and in heavy trucks where engine is mounted in driver's cabin not completely but we can take this as an example.

Conventional Construction:

Function of the frame:

  1. Main function is to support chassis's component and the body of vehicle.
  2. Another one is to withstand static and dynamic loads without deformation.

Loads on frame:

  1. weight of vehicle and passengers, which results in vertical axial and bending load to side members.
  2. Vertical loads when the vehicle come across shock or bump which results in longitudinal torsion due to which one which lifted and another one goes down i.e. change in road level causes unbalance of wheel.
  3. Loads due to camber, side wing, turning force ; this causes for lateral bending of side members.
  4. Engine torque and braking system torque tends to bend side members.
  5. Sudden bump or shock loads during collision which results in collapse.


        Now we will see which material is used for constructing a frame, not in details but we should know the basics of material. In chassis the Steel material is used. Steel contains carbon sheet steel and nickel alloy steel sheet. Composition described bellow.
Carbon (0.25 to 0.35%), Manganese (0.35 to 0.75%), Silicon (max. 0.3%), Nickel (3%), Phosphorous (0.05%), Sulphur (0.5%).
         The aluminium alloy called 'Alpax' is now being popular due to its advantages of light weight, good strength, Heavy load carrying capacity etc. It is generally used in luxury and sport cars (Aluminium alloy is used because the weight of vehicle affects on the power and acceleration of vehicle).

Defects in fame

Now we know what chassis does mean to automobile, its time to learn about defects.
The prominent defect that usually occurs in frames due to accidents is alignment fault, this may be checked by means of plump line. The vehicle is placed on surface and by plumb line from 4 different point on each side of the frame , their position on ground marked then vehicle is taken away from the position and the diagonals are measured between corresponding points. these should different between 7 to 8 mm. If any diagonal differs more than that then this amount of chassis being figured out by proper alignment; the possible causes are as follows:
  1. Low quality iron or bent side members.
  2. Cross member may be buckled.
  3. Loose or broken revets.
  4. Loose or failed nuts and bolts.
If the damage is small then it can be repaired by means of hydraulic jack and wringing irons, In case of more damage in chassis, the chassis member may be heated to straighten it.

Frame-less construction

In this type of construction heavy side members used in conventional construction are eliminated and the floors is strengthened by cross-members and body, all welded together. In some cases the sub-frames are also used along with this type of construction.

Vehicle Dimensions

  • wheel track : This is transverse distance between the Tyre to ground centres on near side and the off-side.
  • Wheel Base : It is longitudinal distance between the centre lines of the front and rear axles.
This information is only basics, If we study it then might be we need 1-2 years to study every small details of the chassis. Keep in touch , keep study and be happy, see you soon with new topic. Thanx for reading this blog.


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